Meet AIEOP’s Board of Directors

Meet AIEOP's Board of Directors Each week we will be featuring one of AIEOP's board members as an opportunity to know their work as leaders of the association and as individuals part of the international pediatric oncology medical community! Meet Dr.ssa Rossella Mura     City: Cagliari, Sardinia Institution: Ospedale Pediatrico Microcitemico “ Antonio Cao” [...]

2022-07-31T15:41:57+02:00 27 Luglio 2022|

Meet AIEOP’s Board of Directors

Meet AIEOP's Board of Directors! Each week we will be featuring one of AIEOP's board members as an opportunity to know their work as leaders of the association and as individuals part of the international pediatric oncology medical community!   Meet Dr.ssa Angela Mastronuzzi   City: Rome, Italy Institution: Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital Position: Head of the [...]

2022-07-25T10:19:46+02:00 25 Luglio 2022|


RICORDO DI MARIA TERESA DI TULLIO Ricordare Maria Teresa e sintetizzare cosa ha rappresentato per noi, per i pazienti e per tutti i colleghi giovani e meno giovani che hanno avuto il privilegio di conoscerla, non è facile. Sono stati tanti i suoi meriti sia sotto il profilo professionale che umano ma sicuramente [...]

2022-07-18T10:51:41+02:00 18 Luglio 2022|

Meet AIEOP’s Board of Directors

Meet AIEOP's Board of Directors Each week we will be featuring one of AIEOP’s board members as an opportunity to know their work as leaders of the association and as individuals part of the international pediatric oncology medical community! Meet Marta Canesi:   Location: Monza, Italy Institution: Pediatric Hematology and CTMO, Foundation MBBM Onlus Position: Nurse, Training [...]

2022-07-18T10:39:11+02:00 18 Luglio 2022|

Meet the Board of Directors

Meet the Board of Directors!  Each week we will be featuring one of AIEOP's board members as an opportunity to know their work as leaders of the association and as individuals part of the international pediatric oncology medical community!Meet the President of AIEOP:Dr. Arcangelo Prete Location: Bologna, ItalyInstitution: University Hospital of Bologna IRCCSPosition: Head of SSD Pediatric Onco-Hematology DepartmentWhat [...]

2022-07-11T10:51:03+02:00 11 Luglio 2022|

Esito procedura Selezione Bando 1

Esito Procedura Selezione Bando 1 Si comunica che a seguito della procedura di valutazione effettuata come da Regolamento AIEOP, verrà assunta la Dr.ssa Barbara Settembrini. La Dottoressa entrerà in servizio a partire dal giorno 1 settembre 2022. Di seguito vengono riportati i contatti: Dr.ssa Barbara Settembrini Centro Operativo "Luciano e Daniele Pederzani"- Studi Clinici [...]

2022-07-08T10:35:02+02:00 8 Luglio 2022|
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