Cari Auguri

Auguri Cari Soci, a nome del consiglio direttivo AIEOP, in queste giornate Natalizie, vi partecipo gli Auguri per le imminenti Festività. La nostra Associazione con il congresso in presenza a Torino ha dato ancora una volta prova di grande vitalità, segnale ancora più apprezzato dopo la pandemia che aveva imposto un temporaneo stop [...]

2022-12-22T14:48:04+01:00 22 Dicembre 2022|

​Meet AIEOP’s Working Groups: ​Nursing

MEET AIEOP’S WORKING GROUPS! Meet AIEOP's  Nursing Working Group & Coordinator Matteo Amicucci Tell us a little bit about your background as Coordinator of the Working Group. I am a nurse and pediatric nurse, and since 2013 I have been working in the oncological field at the Department of [...]

2022-12-22T17:47:01+01:00 22 Dicembre 2022|

​Meet AIEOP’s Working Groups: ​Myelodysplastic Syndromes

MEET AIEOP’S WORKING GROUPS! Each week we are featuring two of AIEOP's 29 Working Groups and their coordinators as an opportunity for the international medical community to get to know them and their important work!     Meet AIEOP's Myelodysplastic Syndromes Working Group &  Coordinator Riccardo Masetti   Tell us a little bit about your [...]

2022-12-23T15:48:47+01:00 22 Dicembre 2022|

Meet AIEOP’s Working Groups: Cellular and Molecular Biology

MEET AIEOP’S WORKING GROUPS! Meet the Cellular and Molecular Biology Working Group & Coordinator Luca Lo Nigro Tell us a little bit about your background as Coordinator of the Working Group?   Since my medical degree achievement, I have believed that biology plays a pivotal role in the future of pediatric oncology. For this reason, in [...]

2022-12-14T10:53:06+01:00 14 Dicembre 2022|

Meet AIEOP’s Working Groups: AIEOP Discovery

MEET AIEOP’S WORKING GROUPS! Each week we are featuring two of AIEOP's 29 Working Groups and their coordinators as an opportunity for the international medical community to get to know them and their important work!   Meet AIEOP Discovery Working Group & Coordinator Veronica Folsi    Tell us a little bit about your [...]

2022-12-14T11:32:55+01:00 14 Dicembre 2022|

Bando Premio per ricerche sulla Leucemia – Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

Bando Premio per ricerche sulla Leucemia - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei L'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei ha bandito per il 2023 numerosi Premi per laureati, docenti, studiosi e ricercatori. In particolare, si segnala alla vostra attenzione: Premio «Silvia Fiocco» per ricerche nel campo delle leucemie, linfomi e delle cardiopatie dell’adolescenza Premio Internazionale «Francesco de Luca» per medici impegnati [...]

2022-12-12T09:52:47+01:00 12 Dicembre 2022|

Meet AIEOP’s Working Groups: Surgery

MEET AIEOP’S WORKING GROUPS! Meet the Surgery Working Group  &  Coordinator Alessandro Inserra Tell us a little bit about your background as Coordinator and of the Working Group? I am currently Associate Professor of Pediatric Surgery, Director of Specialization School in Pediatric Surgery  – Tor Vergata University of Rome and  Head of Surgical [...]

2022-12-06T14:21:51+01:00 6 Dicembre 2022|

Meet AIEOP’s Working Groups: New Drugs

MEET AIEOP’S WORKING GROUPS! Meet the New Drugs Working Group  &  Coordinator Michela Casanova     Tell us a little bit about your background as Coordinator of the Working Group? I am responsible for the Early Drug Development at the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan. My personal experience, together with [...]

2022-12-06T14:14:37+01:00 6 Dicembre 2022|
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