SIOP Europe 2022 Annual Meeting

21-25 march 2022

We are delighted to invite you to join us for the third edition of the SIOP Europe Annual Meeting – an innovative setting for Paediatric Oncology and Haematology.
We are very happy to announce that SIOP Europe Annual Meeting is coming back in a physical format and will take place on 21-25 March 2022 in Valencia, Spain.
The Annual Meeting aims to bring together the diverse stakeholders who are invested in tackling key issues with the aim of increasing the cure rate for cancers affecting children and adolescents and improving the quality of life for survivors. This unique meeting will provide a distinct opportunity for participants to share their knowledge, collaborate on cutting-edge research and debate the outcomes of the high quality clinical and basic research carried out in Europe, as well as provide mentoring and training for young doctors and fellows.
Please save the date for the 3rd SIOP Europe Annual Meeting. The registration will open in October 2021 and all interested participants are invited to join the meeting.

More information:


In light of on-going developments with COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to kindly inform you that the next SIOP Europe Annual Meeting will be held in a virtual format on 23-25 March 2022.

This difficult decision has been taken with the health and safety of our colleagues and community in mind.

The online registration, updated programme and meeting details will be published soon.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the SIOP Europe Secretariat:

SIOP Europe thanks all participants, exhibitors and partners for their support at this time. We hope that you will join the paediatric oncology community in March 2022 for a memorable SIOP Europe Annual Meeting.

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