SIOP Europe Course in Paediatric Oncology 2025-2027: Now Open for Applications

We are delighted to invite you to submit your application to participate in the 2nd SIOP Europe Course in Paediatric Oncology (June 2025 – June 2027) – this initiative is designed to support young and promising paediatric oncologists in developing their careers in paediatric oncology!

What makes this Course unique and why you should attend?

  • You will learn about clinical aspects of childhood cancer, clinical research methods, research collaborations, statistical analysis, presentation skills and leadership.
  • You will discuss real-life cases and situations, patient management and how to perform clinical studies.
  • Lectures will be short leaving enough time for interactive training and discussions.
  • You will obtain the skills and expertise to become leading physicians, performing high-quality patient management and research.
  • You will extend your network – learning from excellent and leading members of the paediatric oncology community and getting to know your future international colleagues.

The Course will be held over the course of 3 years, starting in June 2025. You will attend one 4-day module per year, generally held in early June (exact dates to be confirmed). You will receive CME accreditation for each of the three modules, as well as a SIOP Europe Certificate upon completion of all modules. .

Who should attend?

  • Fellows in paediatric haematology and oncology.
  • Junior faculty at academic medical centres from across Europe.

For more information about the Course, including programmes and a report from the 1st edition, application requirements and application form, visit the course website!

Application submission closes: 14 October 2024 
If you have queries or require further information, please contact:

You may also be interested in the following educational activities and materials:

SIOPE YouTube Channel
PaedCan and Young SIOP Interactive Webinar Series:
ESO-SIOPE E-Learning

For the full list of educational activities, see