Your support with ICCD 2022 campaign
It is a pleasure to contact you on behalf of SIOP Advocacy and to invite your support in disseminating the below announcement regarding the International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) 2022 campaign that SIOP is undertaking with CCI.
Indeed, SIOP and CCI are currently in the 2nd year of our 3-year joint campaign cycle.
Each year, the focus is on a specific stakeholder group – and 2022 is dedicated to the role of healthcare professionals, with emphasis on inclusivity spanning the whole multidisciplinary team and allied professionals involved in providing treatment and care to young cancer patients.
- As you will see from the below, we are inviting SIOP members to send us the following inputs for populating the campaign communication material and advocacy toolkit:
- Photos of extended healthcare teams interacting with families and patients from as many countries as possible,
- Narrative accompanying these photos to relate the image to real life situations.
We would be most grateful if, in addition to the below mail-out sent directly to SIOP members, you could perhaps also include this announcement in your respective communication channels to activate participants from your region or specialty.
Should you have any questions, it would be a pleasure to assist you at any time.
Thank you very much for your kind attention, cooperation and support,
SIOP Secretariat