5th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology

Milano, 13-17 maggio 2024

Registration is open! 
The SIOP Europe Annual Meeting brings together diverse stakeholders involved in the field of childhood cancer. This event, held in partnership with CCI Europe, is a joint meeting of various European Clinical Trials Groups, Young Oncologists, SIOP Europe Working Groups and Parent & Survivor representatives. Join us for this new edition. It features a unique interactive format to discuss the current priorities and needs for children and adolescents with cancer. A great opportunity to share knowledge, collaborate and network!
We are delighted to welcome you to Milan, on 13-17 May 2024
Take a sneak peek at the programme:
  • Monday and Tuesday: open, joint, operational and educational sessions primarily organised by the liquid tumour groups.
  • Wednesday: joint and plenary sessions of interest to the entire community.
  • Thursday and Friday: open, joint and educational sessions primarily organised by the solid tumour groups.
Register now and benefit from the early bird rate
New this year! We are pleased to announce that the winner of the FIGHT KIDS CANCER & St. Baldrick’s Foundation Arceci Innovation Award will be revealed at the Annual Meeting.
We look forward to seeing you in Milan for another memorable SIOP Europe Annual Meeting!

Il SIOP Europe, the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) organizza una corsa/camminata di beneficenza di 5 km a sostegno di tutti i bambini e gli adolescenti con cancro in Europa. L’intero ricavato andrà a beneficio di Childhood Cancer International – Europe e del Gruppo Young SIOPE.

Potresti anche sponsorizzare il tuo corridore o la tua squadra preferita semplicemente facendo una donazione alla causa.

Per iscriversi: https://lnkd.in/ep9CA5dQ
Effettua il pagamento di 25 euro: https://lnkd.in/euU5TWTR
L’iscrizione include una maglietta. 👕

Quando: giovedì 16 maggio ore 18:00
Dove: City Life Park

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